Claim Embody Radiate
Experience Essence, you your consciousness all the way back to Source)
connecting you with your intuition desires and authenticity.
Discover frequencies that when engaged,
the resulting ‘sekhem’ is imprinted with / directed by your consciousness,
and can be used for healing, physical expression / manifestation.
The more potent, the more intense and timelier the materialisation / healing / expression.
It is our foundation learning based on
Galactic Memoirs / the Initiate and the
Deck of RA: Perspective and Illumination from the Lore of Sekhmet
CLICK HERE for more information
ONLINE dates in blue or here at BYRON BAY in red
Ritual of Embodiment / Runes + Sigils
This experiential builds on the previous learning
and opens you to more techniques
and frequencies to embody Essence and Lineage.
We will also work with the Runes presented in the Deck of RA, and how to create unique sigils with them that will encapsulate your working and continue to hold and build the juju long after the ritual is complete
CLICK HERE for more information
ONLINE dates in blue or here at BYRON BAY in red
This Held withing the beautiful flora and fauan of CasaVeras
nestled in the hinterland of Byron Bay,
instruction becomes experience wisdom as we
ignite and engage the senses expanding our perception
You will have expereince of seeing the energy of plants
and also the auras of people
its fun and facinating, a unique experience
CLICK HERE for more information
ONLINE dates in blue or here at BYRON BAY in red